How do I know if ordering online is secure?

To help determine if your connection is secure, look at the status bar of your browser window. For example, if you see an unbroken key or a closed lock (depending on your browser), the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) should be active, which helps to protect the transmission of information through the website. It would be best if you also verified that the URL for the page you are on includes “HTTPS” at the beginning. Most browsers offer additional security alerts as well.

How can I change or cancel my order after it has been submitted?

Payment or billing information cannot be altered once an order is placed. To request changes to your order, you must contact Customer Service. 


When will my credit card be charged?

Your credit card will be charged for the cost of each item as it ships. Therefore, you may see multiple credit card charges if you have an order containing multiple items shipped at different times.

How can I track my order?

Please contact customer service for order information after delivery.

What Is a Fascia Gun?

A Fascia Gun uses percussive therapy to offer the benefits of a massage without the expense or hassle of multiple trips per year. It is a handheld device and works via a battery, charged via a cable that comes with the product.

Can I Use it on My Own?

Absolutely! We recommend it to be used this way, since you can feel both the pressure and pain points and can ensure the correct emphasis on the muscles. You can also use your RE.SET Fascia Gun as a pair. Both are effective, both give you results. Just be sure to be vocal about how you want the pressure when another person is helping you out.

Where Should I Use the Fascia Gun?

Please only use on muscles, rather than bones, joints, or tendons. While it may seem obvious, we advise avoiding wounds or recent fractures too.